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  • Dr. Imani Perry Presentation with Reflection from Dylan Burney ’21

Dr. Imani Perry Presentation with Reflection from Dylan Burney ’21

Scholar of race, law, literature and African-American culture, and AFS parent Dr. Imani Perry, visited our Upper School. Her latest book, Breathe: A Letter to My Sons, is available at your local bookstore and on Amazon.

Dylan Burney ’21 shared her thoughts on the talk saying, “Imani Perry’s speech was not just inspiring, but it also welcomed and encouraged a lot of thinking on what it’s like to be a black child or person in America. Personally, I was very intrigued by her message and appreciated the references relating to black culture and history. It is refreshing to hear from another person of color, especially a black woman about her life, advice, and thoughts. It was also very important that people take heed of her message because she was speaking to inform the white community what it means to be a proud, black and conscious person in America. Her presence was impressive and inspirational not only to me, but to many other people who heard her speech.”

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