The Extended Day Program at Abington Friends School takes place before and after school hours and offers a safe, fun, and supportive environment to meet the needs of students and families during before and after-school hours. The Extended Day program also provides programming during select school closings, including in-service days, parent conference days, and some vacation days.
In addition to the after school Extended Day program, AFS provides free, early morning childcare beginning at 7:30 a.m. for all students ages 3 through 4th grade.
After school hours, the program is an extension of the experience we cultivate daily. Whether it is through arts and crafts, games, music, or sports (when age-appropriate), this program provides safe and enjoyable care for AFS students three years old through the sixth grade.
Seasonally, additional after school enrichment opportunities are available according to age, appropriate offerings, and family interest. Enrichment classes vary by grade and season. In the past, some of the courses offered include Chess, Mandarin Language, Clay Creations, Soccer, and Cooking.
Our extended day program is staffed by Lower School classroom teachers and other part-time school personnel. The Extended Day faculty participates in our opening days in-service training and are seen throughout our daily program and act as substitutes when needed.