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  • Knick Knack Causes Double Trouble in Catbirds Class

Knick Knack Causes Double Trouble in Catbirds Class

knick-knack-copyWhen the cute brown and white guinea pig arrived in the Catbirds preschool classroom in early November, the folks who donated the furry little animal said it was a female. So, Teacher Carol Wolf went ahead and added the animal, named Knick Knack, to a wire cage already housing a female guinea pig named Popcorn.

You know where this is going, right?

Yep, Carol soon noticed the two guinea pigs “seemed extra fond of each other.” So, she did a little research on the Internet on how to tell the sexes apart, and soon figured out Knick Knack is a male.

Carol said “it’s probably too late” to prevent them from starting a guinea pig family, so, for now, the decision is to go with the flow.

After all, she said, “Babies are a theme for us this year.” Carol was referring to the four babies — of the human kind — that have been born since September to the families of children in her class.

As for any possible guinea pig babies, she said, “We’re just going to go with it.”

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