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AFS Celebrates Dr. King’s Legacy with MLK Day of Service

Despite the frigid winter temperatures dipping into the teens, more than 500 volunteers poured into the Upper School to join in honoring the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for MLK Day of Service. The group gathered in the Muller Auditorium for the opening ceremony, where Head of School Rich Nourie, faculty and students spoke and gave rousing musical performances, including a stirring rendition of “Lean on Me,” performed by Zachary Ford ’20 and Maya Letherer ’20. The crowd was also treated to Cydney Brown ’22 reciting a piece of original poetry honoring Dr. King’s legacy.

Lower School Director Andrea Emmons, who has been the main organizer of the Day of Service at AFS for over ten years, spoke about how one individual’s work can multiply to have a collective influence on the world. Once the opening program commenced, volunteers from AFS and the surrounding community dispersed across the entire school and the Meeting House to work on more than two dozen projects aimed at helping those affected by poverty, homelessness, and illness — among other issues.

The “King Day of Service” at Abington Friends has become one of largest hubs of service activity in the Philadelphia suburbs. When Rich Nourie polled the crowd to ask that all visitors to our community raise their hands, many hands lifted into the air and were warmly welcomed.

The mission of joining together to bear witness through truth, action and love was certainly fulfilled on Monday, but the work must continue. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, “This is no time for apathy or complacency. This is a time for vigorous and positive action.”

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