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A December Letter from the Head of School

December 16, 2017

May the themes of hope, peace and promise lift your spirits this special season of the year.
— Rich Nourie

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Parent Reviews Highlight Our Commitment to Academic Excellence, Community and Diversity

December 1, 2017

The results of the 2017-2018 survey were posted on a website that bills itself as 'The Parent's Guide to Philadelphia.'

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‘Planting a Seed’ of Change at a Community Conversation

November 10, 2017

AFS was a sponsor of a public forum on race and racism that drew 280 people to a Jenkintown theater for the screening of a documentary film and a community conversation afterward.

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Here, There and Everywhere

November 6, 2017

Global Travel Night drew a standing room only crowd. Enthusiastic parents and students learned all about this year's travel and study opportunities to Costa Rica, Tasmania and Hurricane Island in Maine.

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‘A Deeper Cultural Understanding’ Flowing from Poetry and Rap

October 20, 2017

'It’s a responsibility for me to be here not just because I am Syrian, Arab, Muslim, American and from L.A., but because I’m a human being who believes in equality and justice for all.' — Omar Offendum

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In Robotics Class, Students Work in Pairs to Solve Problems

October 7, 2017

Math Teacher Jillian Ma said her Upper School students are 'really engaged' in learning robotics. 'They love it. They are proud of what they accomplish.'

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A Student-Exchange Trip Down Under and New Exchange Trips In the Works

September 25, 2017

Students traveled to study in Tasmania this past summer and we are planning a Global Travel Information night for students interested in traveling in 2018.

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Division Director Urges Students to Seek an ‘Antidote to the Hate’

September 15, 2017

Upper School Director Dominique Gerard spoke to students about the incident in Charlottesville, Va., and the importance of looking for answers to all forms of discrimination.

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In the Aftermath of Charlottesville, Why AFS Embraces a Diverse Community

August 19, 2017

A Letter from Rich Nourie: When 'others' are fully human to you because of personal experience, the dehumanization that occurs when people are at a distance from each other becomes virtually impossible.'

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‘Your Teachers Don’t Just Teach. They Teach You.’

July 7, 2017

The Commencement ceremony for the Class of 2017 was a joyous affair, tied to tradition and lifted up by the students’ happiness at having achieved this milestone.

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