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Jessica Neushwander

Jessica Neushwander

Upper School French Teacher Head Coach, Varsity Cross-Country Assistant Coach, Varsity Track & Field Assistant Coach, Indoor Track
B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University Ph.D., Northwestern University
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Jessica Neushwander is an Upper School French Teacher at Abington Friends School.

Since 2017 she has been part of the AFS Athletics Department as an Assistant Coach on the Varsity Cross-Country, Indoor Track and Track & Field teams. In the fall of 2023, she became the AFS Varsity Cross-Country Head Coach.

Jessica ran track and cross-country from middle school through high school and then in college at Illinois Wesleyan University. She continues to run and has completed 13 marathons, including the world-famous Boston Marathon.

Jessica has a B.A. from Illinois Wesleyan University and a Ph.D. in French from Northwestern University.

Why Jessica coaches at AFS:  “I love coaching at AFS because it really helps me get to know the kids and their passions outside of the classroom. I’m continually amazed by their perseverance, and I’m so happy to get to know students that I never have the chance to teach.”