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Commencement 2024

Beginning his address to the Class of 2024, Head of School Rich Nourie said, “When we think about Quaker teachings, we’re probably most familiar with the testimonies – peace, simplicity, community, integrity, equality, stewardship – all of which are powerful ideas, and challenges for a life well lived.”

“We love the testimonies for the mysteries they carry. They are not as simple as they appear. But they are not the central idea of Quakerism. There is a central tenet of Quakerism that we don’t talk as much about, but is the core of Quakerism itself — and that is, We are always in the presence of the sacred.”

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“What people might not understand is that—this is rare. Really, really rare. Look around the grove. There is no one culture, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio economic status, ability, anything. This is the AFS experience. We gain from each other. This school isn’t a 100 meter dash, it’s a relay, and we run faster when our team needs us to.”  Issa Rabb ’24


“Don’t be afraid to make life uncomfortable. Live in discomfort and use it to your advantage. Change is hard. But if we are willing rather than reluctant to the idea, we can benefit from new experiences and use them for growth.”  Madeleine Theobald  ’24



Congratulations to the Class of 2024, the 327th graduating class at Abington Friends School. They now embark on their next journey, carrying with them transformative experiences that have equipped them for the challenges of higher learning.

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