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  • News
  • Global Travel Trips to Beijing, Spain and Guatemala Announced

Global Travel Trips to Beijing, Spain and Guatemala Announced


The Center for Experiential Learning has a number of trips planned for the year ahead, including Beijing, Spain and Guatemala.

Please explore the Global Travel website for more information and plan on attending Global Travel Night at 7 p.m. on October 3 in the Faulkner Reading Room. Family members and guardians are encouraged to attend, as well! Contact Rosanne Mistretta to learn more.

  • Cultural Immersion in China!, May 28 – June 6, 2020,  Beijing, China 
  • Hobart Friends Tasmania Student Exchange, Summer 2020, Hobart, Tasmania 
  • Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, May 30 – June 6, 2020,  Rockland, Maine 
  • Spanish Culture, History and Language, May 28 – June 6, 2020, Andalucia, Spain 
  • Service & Spanish, May 30 – June 6, 2020, Antigua, Guatemala

Representatives from each trip will present detailed itineraries and be on-hand to answer questions. Lyn Johnston, coordinator of the Tasmania Exchange from Hobart Tasmania will be present to talk to ninth grade students and their families about that program as well.

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