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  • Algebra for the Holidays? Our Students Go ‘Math Caroling’

Algebra for the Holidays? Our Students Go ‘Math Caroling’

Who knew that anyone would ever sing a song about algebra — or even more unlikely — that the lyrics would be set to that catchy Christmas carol, “Jingle Bells”?

But it’s true, as you can see in this video of Middle School Math Teacher Justin Solonynka and his eighth grade algebra students who are singing a “math carol.”

It turns out that “Algebra” was the top request as the carolers visited a handful of Upper School classrooms on December 13, the last week of school before Winter Break.  In a few of those rooms, fellow students got up from their chairs to join the chorus.

Justin, who wrote the lyrics to “Algebra” and seven other songs, said he has been going math caroling with his students since 2000, and that includes every year since he began teaching at AFS in 2009.

It was all great fun this year, too, as carolers in all four of his math classes sang songs that leaned on popular Christmas carols or Hanukkah songs for their tune

“O Factor Tree,” anyone


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