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  • Wynken, Blynken and Nod: A Bedtime (Or Anytime) Poem from Andrea Emmons, Lower School Director

Wynken, Blynken and Nod: A Bedtime (Or Anytime) Poem from Andrea Emmons, Lower School Director

Throughout the Lower School, AFS Everywhere is in full swing. Early Childhood classes have been working on illustrating stories and are discovering new ways to play through Zoom (hide and seek anyone?). Kindergarteners have been exploring shapes and numbers and the first grade has been creating rhymes and thinking about rhymes and weather. In the second grade, they’re working on measuring items big and small. Third graders are tackling long multiplication and fourth grade has been creating some beautiful poetry.

The Lower School community gathered for their first Lower School Meeting for Community over Zoom today. Well over 100 teachers, students and family members joined for Meeting for Worship and a story time with Andrea. The group sang “This Little Light of Mine” to close the gathering.

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