Welcome New Families!
We are so excited to welcome our families for the 2024 – 2025 school year! Our community and culture are enhanced by meaningful events, experiences and opportunities that provide outstanding teaching and learning.
Save these Dates

New Family Welcome & Social
Wednesday, August 28 | 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
*Adult only event
A social event for new families!
New Head of School Convocation
Friday, September 6 | 4 to 4:45 p.m.
Back to School Family Barbecue
Friday, September 6 | 5 to 7 p.m.
Celebrate the start of a new school year with fellow families, classmates, faculty and friends! There will be good eats, games, live music and fun surprises for the whole family.
Forms and Services
Medical Forms
Starting on July 1, the required medical forms for new students will be made available through Magnus Health in the AFS Portal. If your child has a doctor’s appointment before July 1, you may request the form by emailing our school nurse, Rachel Marcus.
The AFS Health Office maintains a secure Electronic Health Record called Magnus Health. All requirements for new and returning students can be found and should be submitted via the Magnus section of the AFS family portal. In addition to the state mandated requirements below, all students, in all grades, must have updated health questionnaires, medication permission forms, and action plans as applicable. All requirements will be available in Magnus and were due on July 15, 2024. Please submit your medical forms as soon as possible.
Transportation and the Extended Day Program
- Transportation is provided through school district partnership, AFS vans and SEPTA for additional fees. An electronic form has been made available on your AFS portal for those eligible for transportation. It is important to submit this form whether your child will require busing or not. Please be aware that each school district contacts families differently regarding times and routes; that information is typically provided by mid-August. Philadelphia School District is offering reimbursement as a replacement to school bus service for the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, please contact the AFS Transportation Office at 215-576-3981.
- The Extended Day Program at Abington Friends School is a thoughtful after school care program with options for care and programming from 3 – 6 p.m. Registration will be available in August.
Academic requirements
- Technology and required devices for students
- Summer Reading (to be distributed)
Other Helpful Links
- List of Important Dates 2024 -2025
- AFS Portal Log-in Page
- Lower School
- Middle School
- Upper School
- The Current Parent web page (frequently used links, news and announcements)
- SMART Tuition FAQs
- Athletics Information
- AFS Campus Map
Notes about AFS Communications
We send communications using the contact information that appears on your student’s application. If you do not begin to receive AFS emails after you enroll, please contact the Admission Office.
See images from daily life at AFS by following us on Facebook and Instagram.
Our snow and emergency closing number is 360. Your profile information in the AFS portal will automatically sign you up to receive text alerts for snow closings, delayed openings and other such emergencies. Contact our IT Department with questions.
Parent to Parent Welcoming Committee
Current AFS parents will be reaching out shortly. The New Parent Committee is run similar to a “buddy system” where you are provided a current family partner within the same division your child is entering. Our families are happy to help new families navigate the transition to AFS and can answer a variety of your questions.
If you have questions that are not covered here, please contact the Admission Office at 215-576-3950 or your School Division Office and we will find an answer for you:
Upper School: 215-576-3969
Middle School: 215-576-3953
Lower School: 215-576-3960
If you have a suggestion for a topic that should be covered here, email us and let us know.