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The Fourth Century Fund at AFS

Education is changing.

We are thrilled by the financial support we have thus far received from the AFS community to build The Fourth Century Fund, which will provide seed funding for key initiatives designed to support a full range of faculty learning, study and innovative programs. Thus far, we have raised more than $650,000 toward our goal—and we are deeply grateful to a current AFS family who stepped forward with a generous lead gift of $350,000 to kickstart this effort. This family has pledged to make an additional capstone gift of $150,000 once community support has reached $850,000, bringing us to our minimum goal of $1 million in seed funding.

Can you help us cross the finish line and bring our ambitious goals into the light? Please contact Devin Schlickmann at (215) 576-3068 or

Program Details

What is the Fourth Century Fund?

The Fourth Century Fund funds the initial steps toward creating the Fourth Century Center as outlined in the 2022-2027 Strategic Plan, including:

  • Creating the position of Director of the Fourth Century Center (FCC) for Teaching and Learning to lead the existing FCC Team focused on expanded experiential learning, student resilience and well-being and living the promise of a diverse and equitable community;
  • Funding teachers to have non-instructional time for robust research and development;
  • Funding internal grants for classroom and program innovation, summer travel, study and curriculum development.

Our gratitude to the following individuals have made gifts to support the Fourth Century Fund at Abington Friends School:

Subha Airan-Javia, SC, and Luv Javia P’27
Cindy Balick, SC, P’13 P’19 P’19
Robert Bettiker, SC, and Robert Grundmeier P’24
Marcia Boraas and Gene Lugano P’10 P’13
Rebecca Ethridge Bubb ’02, SC, and Michael Bubb ’03 P’33 P’35
Regis, SC and Ana Carvalho P’28 P’31
Stefannie Todd Coggeshall ’50*
and the Coggeshall Family Foundation
Carl Hemenway, SC, P’04
Daniel Odom-Woodlin, SC, and Ahashta Johnson P’22 P’30
Susan Salesky Rudin ’57, SC
Margaret, SC, and Steven Sayers P’16 P’18
George Schaefer SC
Adam Schorsch ’03, SC and Melissa Ward Schorsch ’03 P’38
Irvin, SC, and Marilyn Schorsch P’20
Ross, SC, and Lori Shanken P’17 P’20 P’24
Debbie Stauffer, AFSA SC, and Carol Palmer, AFSA P’08


SC= School Committee, *deceased

List current as of 11/17/2023

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