
Spring Events at Last! Arbor Day and Ecofest Yield Sun and Fun

We were delighted to be able to celebrate a springtime AFS tradition, Arbor Day on Friday, April 23. In the annual tradition, dating back more than a century, Arbor Day brings our community together to reaffirm our commitment to caring for the earth. Seniors pass the leadership to the Juniors and trees are planted in honor of the senior class and the first grade. Students and faculty and staff were invited to enjoy Arbor Day, while parents and guardians were able to watch a live stream of the program, which included student music and dancing, readings and remarks from students leaders and Head of School Rich Nourie. You can watch the entire event on the AFS YouTube Channel

Then, AFS held its annual Ecofest on Saturday, May 4. This environmentally-centered event is planned each year for the local community. More than 100 members of the local community came to the AFS campus to recycle and donate items and to take part in the first AFS Plant Sale with the Middle School gardening clubs and FarmEx cohorts selling items grown by The Farm at AFS. Almost every single vegetable plant and herb was purchased with sales totaling $1,864!

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